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    Congratulations on deciding to Go Greek and join the Panhellenic community! As recruitment is right around the corner, Gamma Epsilon wishes you the best of luck as you find your home at Kent State University. Going through formal recruitment is one of the most beneficial, exciting, and life-changing experiences we've ever been through. We've made life-long friends, professional relationships for our future endeavors, and an ongoing support system that we can always turn to in the good times and the bad. Going Greek has given us countless opportunities to give back to the community and a true collegiate experience by giving us some of the most influential, strong women we've ever met. We've also forged a true bond of sisterhood in and outside of our chapter that will stay with each of us for the years to come. As you find your home within the Greek community during recruitment week, remember to look for qualities and values that are a reflection of who you are, remember to always be yourself, and remember that we are just as excited to meet you as you are us! We can't wait to meet everyone!



The Sisters of Delta Gamma





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